Monday, January 24, 2011

gathering myself again

i was a writer... of featured stories, of news, of speeches of my own and that of my bosses', of hosting spiels, of reviews, of my thoughts. 

i used to blog... about emotions, feelings, hearsays, photos.

but for some reason, inspiration fled away and has not returned for so long now. for some reason, too, i dug back in my chest and found my articles; featured & shelved, commented and complimented, praised and dusted, finished and those left drafted. reading them drew a smile on my face. warmed a soul within me that was iced up by time.

i then smiled again and deep within me, i know it's about time to believe in myself again.

it will not be all about inspiration... but believing and having the, holding on to the passion to do what i've always loved to do.

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